Magadha Empire (Haryanka Dynasty)


Background of Magadha Empire

  • The four Mahajanapadas - Magadha, koshala, Avanti, Vatsa were vying for supremacy from the 6th century BC to the 4th century BC.
  • Finally, Magadha emerged victoriously and was able to gain sovercighty.
  • It became the most powerful State in ancient India.
  • Magadha is situated in modern bihar.
  • Jarasandha, who was a descendant of brihadratha founded the Empire in Magadha.
  • Both are talked about in the Mahabharata.

There was three dynasty ruled over the Magadha Empire.

1.Haryanka Dynasty.

2.Shisunaga Dynasty.

3.Nanda Dynasty.


  1. BIMBISARA (544 BC TO 492 BC)

  • Founder of Haryanka Dynasty.
  • Contemporary and follower of the Buddha and an admirer of Mahavira.
  • Had his capital at Girivraja ( rajgir - he built the city).
  • Also known as seniya ( the first using to have a standing army).
  • He started the practice of using matrimonial alliances.
  • He had three wives:- kosaldevi(king of kisalas doughter and the sister of prasanjit- got kushi as the dowry), chellana ( doughter of the lichchhavi chief of the vaisali), khema (doughter of the king of misra, Punjab).
  • He conquered Anga.


  • Son of bimbisara and chellana.
  • He killed his father and became ruler.
  • He followed aggressive policy-gained control are kushi by attacking his maternal uncle Prasenjit.
  • Embraced Buddhism.
  • He convened the first Buddhist council at Rajgriha just after the death of Buddha in 483 BC.
  • Won wars against vajji , kosala and vaisali.
  • He built fort of Rajgriha and jaladurga at patli (bank of river Ganga).

3.UDAYIN (460 BC - 440 BC )

  • Son of ajatasatru.
  • Shifted the capital to pataliputra (patna).
  • Succeeded by three kings, Aniruddha, Manda and Nagadasaka respectively who all were weak.

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