• Nanda dynasty was first nin Kshatriya dynasty.
  • The first ruler Mahapadma Nanda who asarped the throne of kalashoka.


  • He is called the first historical emperor of India.
  • He murdered kalashoka to become the King.
  • His origins are not clear. As per the Puranas , he was the son of the last shisunaga king from a Sudra woman. As per some Jain texts and Greek writer curtius, he was the son of s barber and a courtesan.
  • He is also called "sarva kashtriyataka" destroyer of all the Kshatriyas and Ekrut.
  • The empire grew under the reign.
  • It ran from the kuru country in the north to the godavari valley in the south and from Magadha in the east to Narmada in the west.
  • He conquered many kingdoms including Kalinga.

DHANA NANDA (329 BC - 321 BC)

  • He was the last Nanda ruler.
  • He is reterred to as agrammes or xandramed in Greek texts.
  • Alexander invaded north-western india during his reign but he couldn't proceed towards the gangetic plains because of his army refusal.
  • He inherited a huge empire from his father, he passessed a standing army of 200000 infantry, 20000 cavalry, 3000 elephants and 2000 chariots. Because of this, he was became a powerful ruler.
  • He is said to be one of the 8 or 9 sons of Mahapadma Nanda.
  • He became unpopular with his subjects owing to an oppressive way of extorting taxes, Also his Sudra origins and an anti kshatriya policy led to a large number of enemies.
  • Finally he was overthrown by Chandragupta Maurya along with chanakya, which led to the foundation of the Maurya empire in Magadh.

1 comment:

Iranian Invasion

  IRANIAN INVASION ( PERSIAN) During the first half the sixth century BC, there were several small principalities in the north west India su...