Origin, spread and decline of Buddhism

 Origin, spread and decline of Buddhism

  • Causes of the origin of the religiou movement

  1. The Vedic philosophy had lost its original purity.
  2. The Vedic religion had become very complex and had degenerated into superstitions, dogmas and rituals.
  3. Supremacy of the Brahmans created unrestin the society, Kshatriyas reacted against Brahmans.
  4. New agriculture economy.
  5. The disire of Vaishyas to improve their social position with the increase in their economic position due to the growth of trade.

  • Causes of the spread of Buddhism

  1. Buddhas magnetic personality.
  2. He taught in Pali which the masses understood as apposed to sanskrit.
  3. He admitted people into the sangha irrespective of caste distinctions.
  4. Initial sanghas were democratic and disciplined organisation.
  5. The monks travelled different places preaching the teachings of Buddha.
  6. It received royal patronage including from bimbisara, ajatshatru, Ashoka, Kanishka And Harshavardhana.

  • Causes of decline of Buddhism in India

  1. Split into Mahayana and hinayana weakened the religion.
  2. There was corruption among the latter monks, They gave up austerity and indulged in luxuries, moral standards deteriorated.
  3. Royal patronage for Buddhism declined after the end of the gupta dynasty around 650AD.
  4. Orthodox Hinduism became more popular especially due to the work of kunarila Bhatt and Adi Shankara.
  5. The invasion by the Huns and later by the Islamic further declined the influence of Buddhism in the subcontinent.

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