Buddhism ( life of Buddha)

 Life of Buddha

Basic information

  • Gautam Buddha was the founder of Buddhism
  • Born in 563BC, on vaisakha Purnima, in Lumbini, Nepal, near kapilvastu.
  • Buddha was the sakya khhatriya clan.
  • Father: suddhodhana ( Republican king of kapilvastu).
  • Mother: Mahamaya ( Princess of koliya republic).
  • Step mother: Mahaprojapati Gautami.
  • Wife: yashodhara ( Princess of sakya dynasty).
  • Son: Rahul

Four sights that turned buddhas life

  1. An old man
  2. A diseased porson
  3. A dead body
  4. An ascetic


  • At the age of 29: Renounced his home.
  • First Teacher: Alura kalama, next: udraka ramputra.


  • At the age of 35 years
  • Under the pipal tree, uruvella ( bodhgaya),on the bank of niranjana river (falgu).
  • Attained nirvana, (enlightenment), after 49 days of continuous meditation became fuly enlighted.

Dhammachakra pravartana

  • Delivered his first sermon at Sarnath near (deer park).
  • It means turning the wheel of low.

Mahaparinirvana (death)

  • 483 BC, at the age of 80 year, at kasia Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh).
  • Final blowing out : mahaparinirvana.

Some facts related to Buddha

  1. Kanthaka: horse name
  2. Channa: charioteer
  3. Gautama: clan name
  4. Siddharth: childhood name
  5. Sakyamuni: other name of Buddha.

Symbols related to events of Buddha's life

  • Janma(birth): Lotus and Bull.
  • Mahabhiniskramana: horse.
  • Nirvana/ sambodhi: Bodhi tree.
  • Dhammachakra pravartana: wheel.
  • Mahaparinirvana: stupa.

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