Later Vedic period

 Later Vedic period (1000-500BC)

Geographical Areas

  • Whole of northern India.
  • Shift to Ganga.
  • Mention of more rivers such as Narmada, sadanira(gandak), Chambal etc.
  • Emergence of janapada (kuru combination of purus and bharatas), panchala,kashi,etc.
  • Vindhyan mountain (south).
  • Three divisions: Aryavarta (north), Madhya desa (Central), Dakhinapata (southern).


  • History of later Vedic period is based on vedic texts compiled after the age of rig Veda.
  • The collection of Vedic hymns or mantras known as samhitas.
  • The rig Veda samhitas (oldest Vedic text).
  • Sama Veda samhitas for purpose of recitation, the prayers of rig Veda were set to ture.
  • Yajurveda samhitas, hymns and rituals.
  • Atharva Veda samhitas, charms and spells to ward of evils and diseases.
  • Brahmans, composition of series of text.
  • All these were compiled in upper gangetic basin in 1000-500 BC.
  • These period is called painted grey wave (PGW).
  • People used earthen bowls and dishes made of painted grew pottery.
  • They also used iron weapons.
  • They expanded from Punjab to western Uttar Pradesh.
  • Covered ganga yamuna Doab.
  • Bharatas and Purus were major Tribes.
  • They combined and former kuru.
  • In the beginning they lived between sarasvati and drishadvati.
  • Kurus occupied delhi and Upper portion of Doab.
  • This area is called kurukshetra or land of Kurus.
  • Gradually they coalesced with panchalas.
  • They occupied middle pertion of the Doab.
  • They authority of kuru, panchala spread over delhi and Upper and middle part of Doab.
  • They set their capital, in Hastinapur (Meerut).
  • Mahabharat: Around, 950BC between Kauravas and Pandavas, both belonged to kuru Dan, as a result kuru Dan was wiped out.
  • Burnt bricks not used, use mud structures, Hastinapur was flooded.

The PGW- Iron phase culture and later Vedic economy

  • Around 1000BC iron oppeared in dharwar district in Karnataka.
  • Some time iron used in gandhara (Pakistan), Easter punjab, western Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan.
  • Iron weapons used in the western Uttar Pradesh (800BC onwards).
  • Iron used for clearing forests.
  • Very few agriculture tools made of Iron.
  • Ploughing was done with wooden ploughshare.


  • Chief means of livelihood.
  • Not enough bullocks, (sacrifices), janaka and Balram with plough.
  • In later time ploughing prohibited for upper varnas.
  • It led to settled life.
  • Peasants couldn't produce much , aslo engaged in other activities.
  • Not contributed for the rise of town.
  • Barley continue to produce.
  • Rice and wheat: chief crops.
  • Rice was called vrithi in Vedic texts (Hastinapur,atrasikhera), wheat produced in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Familiar with copper, western Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
  • Used copper mines, khetri in Rajasthan.
  • One of the first metal to be used by vedic people.
  • Used for war and hunting also used for ornaments.

Material life

  • Weaving: women (large scale), leather work, pottery and carpenter: progress, jewel work was also there.
  • Acquainted with four types of pottery, Black and Red ware, black slipped ware, painted grew ware, red ware.
  • These were used for rituals or eating or for both.

House and Towns

  • Mud brick house or wattle and daub house.
  • Structure not impressive.
  • The word Nagara mentioned in Vedic books.
  • Hastinapur and kaushambi can be considered as towns.
  • They may be called proto urban sites.
  • Agriculture became main occupation, life become settled.

Political organization

  • In later Vedic period assemblies lost importance, royals power increased 
  • Vidatha completely disappeared.
  • Sabha and samiti continue but character changed.
  • Dominated by chiefs and rich nobles.
  • Women not allowed to sit in sabha.
  • Big kingdoms began to formulated.
  • Chief or king became more powerful.
  • Tribal authorities became territory.
  • Princess or chief ruled tribes.
  • Rashtra means territory first appeared in this period.
  • Election of chief or king appear in Vedic texts.
  • Best in physical and other qualities was elected as rajas.
  • He received voluntary gifts (bali).
  • But later they made the position of King hereditary.
  • King position was strengthened by rituals.
  • He performed, Rajasuya sacrifices: To confer supreme power on him, Ashwamedha: unquestioned control over an area.
  • Collection of taxes and tributes, become common.
  • King was assisted by priest and commanader, chief queen, few other high functionaries.
  • King didn't passes standing army 
  • Tribal units were mustered in Times of war.

Social structure

  • Divided into 4 varnas


  • Scrificed added power of bhahmanas.
  • Prayed for success of war.
  • Sometimes they fought with kshtriya for supremacy.

2)Rajanyas or Kshatriyas


  • Common people, agricultural activities, cattle breeding, etc. Some of them Artisans.
  • End of Vedic period began trade.
  • Only tribute payers in Vedic times.


  • Not allowed, sacred thread and gayatri mantra, weve called servants of others.
  • There were four ashrams in post vedic texts.

1. Brahmchari or student.

2. Grihastha or House holder.

3. Vanaprastha or hermit.

4. Sannyasin or ascetic.

  • Only first three mentioned in later Vedic period.

Good, Rituals and Philosophy

  • Indra and Agni lost important, Prajapati supreme power(the creater), Rudra(god of animals), Vishnu, increased importance, pushan (god of Shudras).
  • Sacrifices became more important both public and private.
  • Involved killing of animals on large scale.
  • Sacrificer known as YASAMANA, some of the sacrifice common to Aryans and Indo-European people.
  • Gift or Bali: cows, gold,cloth, horse, they also clain territory.
  • 600BC Upanishads compiled wars only for cattle.

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